Thread: Test Yourself
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Hatch is offline
Old 05-15-2007, 01:27 PM

Company Rayne had been alone ever since she could remember and it was nice to have company for a change. Her little theif of a friend had even went as far as to bring back food for them all, but then she'd dissapeared into the tree limbs. Rayne focused there for a moment.......indeed there was another life there, it was her opponent from before. She looked around at the small amount of food left and nodded.
"Hey!" She called.
"Little shifter theif! If your friend up there promises not to go attacking anyone she can come down and join us. I'll even give her my share." Rayne's stomach growled in protest but she rammed her fist into it to quiet it.
Everyone has to live....even if it means preying on others. I know that from experience........but maybe we don't have to prey on the people we know... It was stupid to hope for that since Rayne had seen that exact thing happen time and time again, but she was always optimistic.....even at the cost of her own self.
She lay her katana out on her lap and then began to scrape it clean with her whetstone smiling as she did so her eyes shut in bliss.
"You don't have to be so nervous Aisha." She said softly.
"Relax, if anything consider us friends......and friends don't allow their friends to get I right?" She frowned as she eyed a bit of rust and blood on her sword and she quickly scraped it off, honing the edge to a fine point.