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Ebil is offline
Old 03-05-2007, 02:27 PM

I loved the first few books, but the hype and the movies and more hype just made me loose interest a little. I think it was around Prisoner of Azkaban where I started to step back a little from the whole Harry Potter mania.
I'll still get the last book, as I've read them all, so part of me is curious as to what happens. It just lost some of its magic for me ._.
I hope Hagrid has a big role in it though. He's my favourite character <3
I'm quite glad it's coming to an end. I like movies and stories to have some sort of a conclusion. Saves my brain having to make up it's own endings xD
I'd like to see some different stories from JK Rowling that aren't about Harry Potter. I have no clue if she's written other stuff, but I'm just intrigued to see if she can do other subjects as well as she did HP.