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Krystyne is offline
Old 05-18-2007, 03:35 AM

Drabble List Number 40: 4:29 PM

Incident Described: Krysta's 17th birthday, right down to the minute

((I know the character descriptions aren't finished, but I wanted to write something anyway. <.<;;; Enjoy!))

4:11:19. Krysta tapped her fingers impatiently against the marble counter, took a few moments to study her fellow ice cream shoppe patrons, and then checked her watch again, certain that at least a minute had passed. 4:11:34.

With a sigh of frustration, the tall, black haired girl shoved away from the counter and stormed toward the revolving door, intent on finding Jeremy and making him explain what was taking him so long.

Before she could walk out, though, the object of her frustration's face appeared in one of the windows. His nose pressed against the glass and his hands framing his face to reduce glare, Jeremy spotted Krysta and waved frantically before running to the door. She crossed her arms and marched back to her counter stool, trusting that he would follow.

"Sorry I'm late," Jeremy panted, sliding into the seat beside her. Barely glancing at him before picking up a menu, Krysta remained silent and waited for his explanation.

Taking a few, excrutiatingly long moments to gather his thoughts, Jeremy opened his mouth to speak. "Do I smell hamburgers?"

Krysta growled lowly in frustration. "Stop thinking about food for ONE second and tell me what took you so long, Jock," she hissed from between her teeth.

Jeremy just grinned at her and picked his menu up. "Just had a few errands to run on the way over here; no biggie." He caught the attention of the soda jerk and ordered a root beer float, paying no mind to the fuming teenager beside him.

When the soda jerk walked away, Krysta grabbed Jeremy's arm, and he finally looked at her. Before he could fully see the pain in her eyes, it was gone, and Krysta's tiger eyes were back in full force. She hissed, "Tell me what those 'errands' were."

Jeremy disengaged his arm from her grip and put it around her shoulders, startling Krysta for a minute. "Trust me,'ll like it." He grinned at her and kissed her cheek, further disturbing the poor girl.

Krysta, a bit dazed and very confused, glanced at her watch. 4:28:49. Almost time...

Jeremy peeked over her shoulder and watched with her as the seconds ticked away. Neither broke the silence, until the watch clicked over to 4:29, when he gave her a tight hug and whispered, "Happy birthday, Miss Kryssy..."