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(っ◕‿◕)っ ♥
yiesha is offline
Old 05-20-2007, 06:39 PM

(overview story and relationship)

Relationship type : The growing seed : new found happiness

The story and relationship began after 2 years of Vega disappearance a.k.a death. Natsu was sent to a university to study "Political Science" majoring in Science Communication to make him better in dealings with professional peoples and making him in higher ranks. He is also guaranteed to pass in all his exams because Helious family got a great connection with the university Rector and top managements. Having all that, Natsu still hardly made any friends cuz he hardly talks to others and always in his own small world. He dont really wanna get close to anyone and always tries to avoid any conversation with anyone.

Things changed after he met Ryuki one night after he came back from his part time modelling work. Ryuki is not a very strong person, but his heart that cant let anything bad happened around him, saved Natsu from a person who Natsu knew as a person who 'killed' his Vega. The destiny of them both continue when they are actually at the same class in the university and Ryuki working as part time security guard at the building Natsu doing modelling at.

Having someone as sweet and kind as Ryuki, Natsu life has brighten up and he starts to honestly smiles more. Meeting new friends and Ryuki's mother, having someone to talk to about his life and interest, Natsu became more open to his surroundings. Will their relationship grow even more? Will it be just friend? What will happen if Mr. Helious know about this? Will the press interrupt their relationship? What will happen to Ryuki if Vega ever came back and take away Natsu with him? Will Ryuki and Natsu friendship continue after that?

Other info : Natsu is about ear height from Ryuki. (yes ryuki is taller. He is he senior after all).

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Art by Chipyun