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Old 03-06-2007, 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Jitsumi1221
awww but montana sounds fantastic O.O so much open places and i heard there are still quite a few wild horses up there. i'd kill to be able to go there and just spend a few week at a stable or something to help out <3 lol i pretty much grew up around stables, but then all the ones near dallas (for the most part) all closed down. not so many horses anymore, all the land is being bought up for snazzy apartment complex and office buildings >.<; er not that i dont like apartments (i live in one now) but. i really miss riding and its hard to find a place now. that i know of only 1 stable still teaches equestrian and dressage.

ewwwww the two of you got really exspensive uni's. the one i went to was state school and about 10k a year? or was it 10k a semester *thinks* i dont really recall. i had to stop going because my pai refused to pay after mum made me tell him i was preggy (honestly.. that was such a stupid idea). lol finishing up my school payments and my husband loans was kinda hard also having a new baby and living on our own. so now i just take the occasional community college until i finish all my core and can go back to taking art classes at a uni ^^

ewwww and someone complained about your prices for traditional media? apparently they havent walked into an art supply store and looked at prices *rolls eyes* *groans* good waterpaper alone in 18X24 sheet was like $5-8 where i worked >.<; (cold press? or was it hot press? *muses*). heheh every time we go to the art store my husbad just grumbles about "why couldnt you pick a cheaper pastime?" so response is always "cheaper then crack ^.~"
Hoy Montana isn't really that great at all, just so boring. There are wild horses and everything but its not really that cool when you grow up around them? If you like riding then thats cool but I'd rather be in a more modern city. XD I guess we always covet what we don't have.

10K a year isn't bad at all, you can take out loans if your parents don't want to pay. Why is it a bad idea to tell him? He'd find out sooner or later, its not something you can hide. Though its a bad idea in the first place to get pregnant before finishing college. (for the reasons you just described)

*My computer is messed up and can't get on menewsha but I can access it on this lab computer* @_@