Thread: Test Yourself
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Hatch is offline
Old 05-23-2007, 12:50 PM

Rayne waited, still sharpening her sword, the scrape and ting of her rythm echoing loudly since her friends had left. She would wait here and direct the Yuan-ti guards to a safer location, where they wouldn't find Aisha. The fire lit up her dark green hair and shallowed her eyes as the guards came stomping through the brush. She didn't stop her work only looked at the honed edge while a large man barked orders at her.
"You there!! Did a woman pass by here?" Rayne pressed her thumb to her sword and frowned, she kept scraping and again came the angry bark.
"I asked you a question!!!"

"Woman? I'm a woman do I count?" She made a final sweep and then pressed her thumb to the edge satisfied when it bled.
"There, now you're sharp." The guard had had it, he jerked Rayne to her feet and growled in her face.
"Where is the woman?!!" Rayne looked him straight in the eye and growled back, challenging him.
"I wouldn't know, I'm the only one here and have been so for the past few days!!" She slammed her point into the ground and stood facing the party, ready.