Thread: Loveless
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LessThanThree is offline
Old 05-23-2007, 08:58 PM

Lolol, I checked out the anime a while ago because someone recommended it to me after I said I liked Gravitation.

To be honest, at first I couldn;t take it seriously at all, I kind of thought it was a comedy ;p

Like when the older guy (I can;t remember his name) tells his flatmate he was hanging out with his last friend's younger brother. And the part about him getting his ear pierced.

EDIT - The names also made me laugh and the way they introduced themselves.

"BREATHLESS:so strong it'll take your breath away" or something (I haven;t watched it in a while) XD

I was also rather hyper at the time and kept on quoting everything they said to a friend. The reaction I got was.



I want to get the manga though, heard it's pretty guid and a lot better than the anime, but our bookshops (Ottakars, Waterstones, Borders) are still pretty new to Manga so they don;t have that guid a range. Going up to Glasgow soonish though I think, so I might get them from Forbidden Planet if I have enough money (I prefer to buy full sets over just a few books here and there ;p)

Forbidden Planet's amazing, although I haven't yet figured out how they organize things.
