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AV TB is offline
Old 05-28-2007, 09:22 PM

Oh wow so many, so many ok...

Of the manga i've read i like:
Chobits- the first series i read
*Love Hina- So much plot @-@
Fushigi yugi- Intresting with how everything ended
*I's'- Ichitaka you DORK >.< subjest this, ((romantic/comedy)) a great read in my oppinion
Ramana 1/2 (sp?)- I love the panda.
*Eden- Someone put alot of thought into this book

*is most favorited

Of movies/episodes:
*Robin witch hunter- i never was able to see the last episode T_T
*Spirited Away- great music
*Howl's Moving Castle

And i've seen and read a lot more of course.