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Notsilveraura is offline
Old 05-30-2007, 04:54 PM

Originally Posted by trinxie
I think that was really good. And entertaining.
Don't let kiarakiara's comment put you down because, 2 people and yourself think it was great. Besides, she has quite a few spelling and grammar errors so I'm kinda doubtful of her..yeah..

Could I read some of your other poems? I'm quite a fan of morbid poetry. I wrote one myself too for school. It's not the best, but it freaked my friends out, so I'm proud of it in anyway x']
^.^ Sure! I posted one of my other poems, She Whispered Sweet Lies, which is kinda morbid and cool. But in case you don't want to go searching for that, I'll post it in here.

She Whispers Sweet Lies

She whispers sweet lies
Into his ear
And he listens closely,
On the verge of sleep
"I wish you a night's peace,"
She whispers so sweet,
Her voice like that of an Angel's

The man nods his head
So snug in his bed
And listens without a doubt,
For his sweet Angel's words
Seemed to always ring true
And never were they of deceit

She brought him a cup,
With water so pure
As pure as she, he thought.
"Close your eyes," she whispered again,
"And I will protect you, my dear."

She whispers sweet lies,
Into his ear
And he listens closely,
So sure of her words

She drops a pill into the cup,
"Your medicine, my dear."
She brings the cup up to his lips,
Whispering once more.

"I promise you, my sweet husband,
Your medicine-it helps.
Drink it down, and rest your head,
Sleep shall soon come."

She smiles sweetly,
After whispering her sweet lies
"And I promise you,
My sweet husband,
You shall not wake
From any bad dreams."

And for once, this woman
This Angel of Deceit,
Whispered something true.
For the man would not wake
From bad dreams, no,
He would not wake at all.

But before the man fell
Into an eternity of sleep,
She whispered one last sweet lie
The grandest, sweetest lie of her life,
"I love you, my dear husband,
And I always will."