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Ms. Fancy Pants
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Old 06-06-2007, 02:02 PM

5. Mutant Kittens With Super Powers

*this is only a tad of it*
You can call them what you want… Henry, Jeff, Oliver, Rosie, Sweetie…
But they already have assigned names, names you didn’t give them. You may call the grey, stripped, shorthaired fellow Ed, but his real name is experiment 100112. Yes, that small kitten sitting on the end off your bed, making himself comfortable on one of your designer pillows is a mutant animal; to make myself more clear, mutant kitten. Ed, as you call him, has been trying to rid the world of red-eyed rats. These rats are not the normal albino rats, for years they have been mating underground within chemical waste dumps making little mutant babies that one day would populate the world. That was until Experiment M.K. came into play. The whole point of experiment M.K. was to make some sort of animal who chases rats into strong, super powered little freaks. They chose cats of course, young little kittens so they could grow into their mutant powers. In the end they made only 100112 super-kittens, 50,000 of them have expired, ran out of time, died all by the power of the rats. The population of the rats has decreased ever since experiment M.K. started. The kittens have begun a rain of terror upon the rats, shooting them with laser beams from their eyes and attacking them with their ninja-like moves. (Kung-foo cats!)