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A Girl
A Girl is offline
Old 06-15-2007, 12:31 AM

The Dark

A Naruto Fanfiction
Post V

He found her kneeling just over the hill, out of breath and almost unconscious from lack of chakra. There was blood on the side of her face but his eyes told him it wasn't hers. She managed a victorious grin as he came to stand before her, offering her his hand. She took it after a brief moment but made no move to get up, simply keeping their fingers clasped together in a way that made his heart beat faster.

"I flew," she said, and he felt suddenly as if no time had passed between them at all. They were still children playing with steel and looking down at the river under their feet and wondering how deep it went. And she was still offering everything, giving freely when all his life everything had had a price.

Years ago, he hadn't understood how she could live that way.

Now, he thought, he might be able to learn that sort of strength.

His hand closed over hers.

"Me, too," he replied.


"How many birds are there, Neji?"

He was so used to this question, he hardly thought about it. "Seven."

"Wrong!" she said, impishly. He blinked and she pointed to the bird mask at his hip, a sign of his new ANBU rank. Her smile softened. "You forgot one."

Something winged fluttered in his chest.

Tenten's hand found his.

"You're free now too, aren't you?"
