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A Girl
A Girl is offline
Old 06-15-2007, 12:41 AM

In The Space Between Heartbeats

A Naruto Fanfiction
Post II

So, he gave his report to the Godaime, not failing to mention the fabulous wildlife, and was just about to leave when Tsunade floored him with a parting remark.

“Have Neji report to me when he’s finished at the Hyuuga compound. I know they’re anxious about Hinata’s disappearance but I’ll need to talk to him in person as well.”

Lee turned slowly, feeling as if he had just been given one of Gai-sensei’s Super Flying Kicks to the stomach. His expression must have given him away because Tsunade sighed loudly.

“You didn’t know, I see. Tenten and Hinata were due back five days ago. They had to cut their stay in Snow Country short due to bad weather and were headed back the last time I heard from them. Even with the high passes rained out, they should have returned by now.”

“Could they have been attacked?” Lee’s mind had started to spin with endless possibilities. “Maybe the weather cleared and they decided to stay.”

“If that’s true, they should have sent word,” the Godaime said firmly, “But they haven’t and the Hyuuga are of the opinion that their heir has been kidnapped.”

“By who?” Lee was dumbfounded. Konoha had never given Snow Country any reason to fight and—

“By Tenten herself, perhaps.”

A silent moment passed and then Lee flared indignantly, mortally offended by the suggestion. “Tenten would never betray Konoha. She would never reveal the secrets of the village, or the blood limit of the Hyuuga,” he said strongly, “And I will speak with anyone who says otherwise.”

The Hokage was watching him, fingers steepled together in front of her mouth. “I agree,” she said, and this time Lee heard the exhaustion in her voice. “But I have heard that theory along with a dozen others from the Hyuuga clan, and none of them reflect well on your old teammate. To them, she is either a traitor or incompetent.” She snorted in annoyance.

“I will go,” Lee said immediately. “I will prove them wrong by finding them both safe and sound. They will see that Tenten is far from incompetent.” He was turning towards the door again when Tsunade’s voice stopped him for the second time.

“That will be unnecessary, Lee,” she said firmly. “You have just returned from a mission and I—”

He did not turn but kept his back to her, stiff and straight. “Tsunade-sama, please allow me to do this. I will take Neji and we will bring them back.” He said it as if there were no other outcome.

It took a long minute but finally there came a reluctant “very well” and Lee hurried out the door and out of the building, headed towards the Hyuuga clan’s headquarters.

He would prove to them they were blind in more than one spot.


There was a swirling, tangled moment of color and then she was conscious, her eyes burning, her throat strangely tight and dry. Something was pressed over her mouth and she struggled on instinct, bringing blurred shapes to her side. Hands were touching her, gripping her arms, holding that something over her mouth until she gasped, suffocating. Her spine arched in a wild surge of terror, her heart thundering in her chest as she realized she couldn't move her legs.

"Stop," she said, but her voice didn't sound quite right, hoarse and toneless. Her eyelids fluttered as her lungs struggled for air, a line of pain suddenly moving down her hip to her knee. She let her body fall in response and felt smooth sheets beneath her.

Someone was speaking, but the vibrations curved into her ear and translated into nothing she could understand. She shifted again, weakly, but her arms were dead weight, strange fingers pressing tightly into her skin. A noise rose in her throat. She had to get free. Hinata was counting on her.

The name blazed across her mind suddenly and she jerked, eyes opening to their fullest, unseeing. Bells were ringing in her head. She couldn't move her legs. She couldn't move her legs.

"Hinata," she said, in that gravelly tone that wasn't hers. Someone's breath moved near her ear, tickling the strands of sweat-damp hair against her cheek. This time words cut through the static and made tears fill unseeing eyes.

"She's not here, Tenten. She's gone." Softer. "She's gone."