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Tyus is offline
Old 07-10-2007, 01:51 AM

I'd have to say Final Fantasy VII purely because of the characters in it. Not overly fond of the plot as I didn't get it, but the characters in this game are some of the best yet.

Dirge of Cerberus was okay too. Not too fond of shooter like games, hence why I didn't finish it.

Final Fantasy VIII is my all time favourite Final Fantasy game, only because of the plot and because I like the lead character. Squalls cool.

Final Fantasy X is pretty cool too. With the whole summoner and Aeon thing. Graphics are cool and I like the battle system, its much easier to use. Though in my opinion, the bosses were much too easy to beat o.0

I liked Final Fantasy X-2 too, though only for the dress spheres and the three guy characters. Boss was way too hard for me on that one so I... gave up xD

I just recently completed Final Fantasy XII too, thats good too. New load of characters, new world and Fran. The bunny girl with the adorable button nose o.0

Kingdom Hearts 1 is okay. Disney and Final Fantasy are definatly the best combination when it comes to games. The heartless amuse me and I know they shouldn't ^.^;

Kingdom Hearts 2 is my current favourite. The Organisation are like a dysfunctional family, minus Roxas though, I don't like him that much. Xigbars pretty cool. How many guys do you know that could pull off a ponytail and an eye patch? xD