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Tabi Kat
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Tabi Kat is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 12:13 AM

The Kingdom of Eiros
  • Location:
    The country of Eiros is located in the western half of Terra. To its west is the land of the Kracos tribes that it has placed under subjectation. From the first king Augustus to the most current Aruski, the country of Darkness has held the Kracos tribes at bay, both from attacks and from rising above their place. The Kracos tribe is both reviled and feared by many. Seen as neither civilized nor even human, the lowest taint of Kracos blood in your family is considered a taint upon your humanity. Barbarians being the kindest thing a citizen of Eiros will call a countryman of the Kracos tribes.

    The city of Deinos, the capital is an amazing sight in and of itself. It was named after the deity of Dread that struck fears in the hearts of man while they still labored under the ?abandonment? of the elementals. It was lost though upon the new mingling language that separated the N and M.

    Sitting upon on of the only mountains that far west of the Aristis Mountains, it looks down upon all and was the reason why it was chosen by Augustus to be his capital. His reasoning as to not choosing a sea port was simple. The man was sea sick just looking at his morning tea.

    There are other small port cities that have been established since Augustus' time, by other kings that were not quite so sensitive. But the navy has not been built and maintained as well as it should be or as well as its neighboring countries. Located on each of its coasts, these cities; Jocelyn, Imides, and Cornwellis , are all major towns of note but still fall upon Deinos and it's army for protection from the earth tribes.
  • History:

    Over 70 generations ago, a great man came from deep within what was then the Dark tribe of A'ska. His name was Augustus and he was one of the few who didn't abandon his god elemental of darkness after it went dormant. Perhaps because he was directly descendant of the bloodline or for some other reason, no one really knows. But this man, this Augustus, brought forth is warriors and began to push aside the Kracos tribes that for a while had relatively peacefully coexisted with them.

    It didn't take long for the earth tribes to rebel against this treatment and back and forth they waged for many years, eventually pushing the Dark tribes to the Western half of the continent/country. Their warriors were strong and used to the rough mountain terrain, whereas the westerners were not. Upon reaching a lone mountain among the plains, Augustus decided that he would build a city there, one which would cower the Kracos tribes by its mere presence. He began to build a city, even amidst the strife and turmoil of war.

    He took a woman slave from the Kracos tribe as his concubine and she bore him one son, which he named Antony. The child was raised to hate everything about the Kracos tribe and even went so far as to kill his own mother when he was but a teenager. Upon his fathers death, he took the name Augustus, letting no one but his own council know of his father's death. It merely reinforced the fact that Augustus was immortal as his armies kept pushing further and further into the lands that the Earth tribes claimed.

    For five generations, each male of the bloodline was named Augustus, reiterating the legend that was the king. It was only at the last of these that he was truly victorious, driving the Kracos tribes deep into the mountains, even as the finishing touches upon Deinos keep. In honor of his victory, he names the small sea beside the keep, the sea of Victory.

    Over time as such things do, the firstborn of every generation of the royal family was named with a name beginning with A, in remembrance of their ancestor who made it all possible. After the castle of Dienos, the keep was created by another down the line, Andrais. And then the city that sprung up after it was fortified by King Adam.

    And so the city and country flourished, through good and bad times, only falling from the A'ska's hands but a mere handful of times only to be brought back into the fold at some point. And so the direct dark bloodline continues to rule over Eiros and guide her to glory.

    Coat of Arms
    There are several coat of arms, but the coat of arms of the Mournay line is one of a black panther, trampling over the trees, splitting a path between them with a crown upon its head. Surrounded by a silver border entwined with black irises.

  • Economy:

    The economy of the kingdom of Eiros is that of traders and farmers, though their artisans are world renown if in the minority making their wares even more sought after. A smaller yet equally important market is that of slave trading, taking so called war criminals and spoils of war and selling them on the market to other countries, diluting the blood of the Kracos tribes even more.
    Economic Status:One of the wealthier countries, Eiros holds its own in the world market, though not as much so as it's closest ally, Astraena. Their major imports are the bred horses and pottery from the Kracos tribe. Their major exports include farmed foods, from fruits and vegetables to cattle. As well as lumber, stone and ore from their forests to the north that are also their natural resources.
    Government: Monarchy
    Head Of Country/Ruling Family: Line of De Mournay of the A'ska clan
    State Religion:The Triad of Balance. The Angel, The Demon and the child. With a smattering of believers in manifestations of attributes such as Dread, Wisdom, and the like.
    Military: Infantry and Calvary are in excellent condition, some of the best known soldiers. Their navy is severly lacking and under funded but is able to hold it's own against most single countries.
    Agriculture: Farming rich land, of all types, from arid to frigid.
    Educational Level: The closer to the cities that one resides in, the more educated you are generally, with the additional factor of male vs female and noble vs. commoner denominations taken into account.