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ToriKat is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 12:47 AM

Goodness. It's not possible for me to get into just how many original characters I have. Here...I'll......attempt. XP

In the 6th grade, I made a manga and series consisting of chapters about my crime fighting group of girls and guys. The more I got into it, the more fighters there were in waves. Then I built histories and developed even more. XD So there were...13 main girls, 5 boys, and then hoardes more. It was seriously ridiculous, but I was addicted to that story.
The sad part was that I had JUST gotten into Sailormoon and Magic Knights that's where the inspiration came along. I was a bored...bored 6-7th grader...

Then in the 8th grade, in a round robin story game with six others. I had characters inspired by Warcraft and Final Fantasy VII. XD It was a weird fantasy-science fiction group. There were about eight main characters of mine.

In the 10th grade and up, I made characters for an RPG I play with my bestest friend. XD It started off with a boy who was supposed to be my perfect...boyfriend. Then thanks to my joking suggestion - I had just learned what Boy's Love was - my friend's ideal boyfriend hooked up with mine. From there on, we produced cousins, siblings, and other family members. Then other families. Then...their offspring.

I'm still in the process of attempting to DRAW ALL OF THEM...

*needs a life* D: