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Tabi Kat
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Tabi Kat is offline
Old 03-13-2007, 03:44 AM

The crown princess Serefina was bored. There wasn't much beating around that bush as far as she was concerned, and she was spoiled enough that she wasn't hestitant about letting people hearing about it.

"Stazi", she addressed her older brother, the crown prince regent with a petulant frown on her face. "I want to go riding."

The man stroked his black beard as he looked down at his beloved sibling. But as he looked down, his eyes registered the purple of his regent colours. If anything happened to him or to his sister, the kingdom would be in dire straits. "I would humor you in this if I could, 'Fina. But we are on the verge of war. I cannot. You can ride around the grounds if you so choose. Just take Adrian with you." Speaking of the captain of the guard who chose to watch over 'Fina when not in direct command.

'Fina sighed but nodded, her head firm on one idea. "I'll agree on the condition I don't have to ride side saddle or in a dress. I'm a better horseman than you, and you know it, 'Stazi." If it hadn't been for regents colours upon Stazi's rich wardrobe, or the petite tiara with deep black jewels upon 'Fina's head, they could have been any siblings arguing over deportment and behavior.

"Fine. Just don't let me or the viziar see you.", he couldn't resist the urge to smile at his sister. She had so much life, so much vitality it almost hurt to see the kingdom begin to crumble around such a bright jewel.

And so it was that a single hour later, Princess Serefina De Mournay found herself on the back of her beautiful midnight black stallion, leaping the hedges in the back of the garden that led towards the forest, her platinum tresses flying behind her like ribbons at a purity festival.

"Fina!!!" her protector and best friend, Lord Captain Adrian was having a hard time keeping up with her on horseback. The blond haired man was an infantry man, and would have given up by now if it hadn't been the sense of foreboding doom that seemed to hang around the Prince's shoulder's lately. So here he was, guarding a girl who could kick his ass 1 out of 2 times, so her brother wouldn't worry.

But she didn't look back, simply urged her charger on, the page's clothing she had borrowed from Adrian's little brother fit her well enough that she didn't look too much like royalty. Just nobility. And her sword was at her side if she needed it along with the extra knowledge of what she'd been learning at the Vizier's side.

"Come on, Darkness...just one more hedge, then we can escape.", as she bent low over the horse's neck and urged him over one last jump. And then the royal garden's were behind them and only the open palace gates remained before the city, and then the woods surrounding. A few hours of daylight remained, surely they could get in a good run before then.

"Open the port!" a voice called behind 'Fina, and she looked back to see Adrian calling to the guards. He was going to be a willing accomplish after all. He couldn't catch her, but he knew she could handle herself, even if 'Stazi didn't want to believe so. And then it was that Darkness' hoofs clambered against the cobblestone as they made their way into town, and freedom for at least a few hours.