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Aliena is offline
Old 07-21-2007, 01:38 PM

"Will you stop that?" Dunn looked over to where his twin brother was pacing. Back and forth. Back and forth. He turned his attention back to the window where he was watching a rather lovely woman practice some fight moves. He sighed with contentment. He could watch such beauty all day. But from the corner of his eye, he saw movement. "Mathis, you're distracting me!" he exclaimed. "Will you stop pacing already?"

"Distracting you from what?" Mathis snapped and Dunn pointed out the window.

"From that. She's perfection."

Mathis rolled his eyes. The two brothers, while they shared the same face, couldn't be more different. From the way they clothed themselves (Mathis, conservatively and Dunn, quite outlandishly) to the way they wore their hair (Mathis, short and dark, Dunn, long and dyed electric blue) to the way they approached the day, they were truly opposites, though others might say they were more like two parts of a whole. Messengers for Chess, the two shared a telepathic link and could communicate any time no matter the distance. It had been that way their whole lives.

"Alright," Dunn said, his eyes still not leaving the woman. He admired her moves, her fluidity and grace, and most of all, her curves. "Spill it. What's bothering you?"

"Nothing that you care to hear about." He felt a familiar tingling in his head and exclaimed, "Stop that!"

"Ah," Dunn smiled, having obtained the information via their link. "Russell. When are you going to just accept the guy?"

"Never," his brother growled, rubbing the tingling feeling out of his head. "I can't believe you just did that."

Dunn ignored him. "It's not his fault West left. He just took her place. He didn't even know her."

"There's something not right about him," Mathis insisted. "And I don't like how he's gained everyone's trust so fast. What if he did have something to do with West leaving?" His face darkened even more when he thought of the smiling brunette and how, in the last few days before she left, she had been so troubled about something. She was the one person (besides Dunn) that he felt a connection with and it broke him when she disappeared, leaving only a note with a single message: Don't try to find me. Goodbye. I'm sorry. He had toyed with the idea of searching for her numerous times since, but never took that step, as Chess always needed him for something or other.

"Oh boy!" Dunn laughed. "Here we go again with the conspiracy theories." His face sobered when he saw his brother's glare. "I'm sorry," he said, trying to stifle his laughs. "I know it made you mad when she left. But really, Mathis, cut Russell some slack. He's a good guy. Come here," he motioned and Mathis grudgingly walked toward him. "I really think right now," Dunn said seriously, "you could use some of that." He pointed to the woman again and Mathis punched him in the arm, irritated, and headed toward the door.

"Everything's a game to you, isn't it? It's all about fun and women."

"And why not?" Dunn challenged as his brother walked out of the room. "Isn't that what makes life worth living?"