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Summer love
Zephi is offline
Old 08-31-2010, 04:54 AM

Chapter Ten

“Oscoro? You’re alive? Where are you?” Zephyr could feel her spirits lifting just hearing his voice.
“I’m just outside.” Oscoro paused and then said, “I’m so glad that you’re still alive Zephyr. I thought that they had already killed you when I saw them carrying you away. If I break this wall down, will you be able to leave?”
“I’m chained to the wall right now.” Zephyr pulled against her chains and felt the bolts in the wall give a little, just enough to give her a little hope. “I might be able to pull them out of the wall though, and then I’d be ok.”
“Alright Zeph, you work on that. I’ll be right back now that I know where you are.” Oscoro stopped and asked, “See, aren’t you glad to see me now?”
Zephyr smiled to herself but then thought how Oscoro seemed to be acting a little strangely. He seemed like he was hiding something from her. And she wondered how he had managed to shake off the three winglies that were following him. As she worked on freeing herself from the wall she made a mental note to ask him about it later, once he got her out of here and they were in a safe place. She paused and frowned wondering if there actually was anywhere that would be safe still.
After ten minutes had passed Oscoro still hadn’t returned. Zephyr had managed to yank the chains out of the wall after pulling and wiggling and straining to get the bolts out. It hadn’t been as tough as she had thought it was going to be but after the bolts had been put in who knows how many years ago, she was sure that they had started to weaken and rust, thankfully

(This is by no means the end of chapter ten but I've reached a block again. I'm thinking that Oscoro might not get back in time and they come to get Zephyr to interrogate her... and then he can save her at a later time, OR... he comes back and they both escape and start the journey. But.. I think I'll go with the first one but as always, I'm willing to take suggestions!! :lol)