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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 03-18-2012, 04:27 AM

The seas tossed the blonde woman about like a piece of wreckage. Back and forth with the flow of the waves, dancing slightly with each movement. Limply she held on the a piece of driftwood while trying to make sense of sounds filling her ears. Battles fought upon the high seas... Verity's sleepy mind couldn't fathom it when simply surviving was a struggle.

Armor weighed her down, though she refused to let it fall to the sea floor. It had been such a long journey to try and reach this place, and the journey was not yet over. Around her neck hung a magical treasure which she could not possibly use, or so Verity thought. All she knew was that in the hands of the right person it could do wondrous things. Entrusted to her by an old dragon, the gem was a gift to some far off princess. At least that was the tale that ran trough her mind as the seas kept tossing her about.