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Cupcake Queen
What is the point of caring and having feelings if all they do is hurt?
Cupcake Queen is offline
Old 07-16-2014, 09:37 PM

Originally Posted by Bartuc View Post
Well, first of all. Weigh yourself and take note of it. This is VERY important. Also take a before picture.

Now, setup a calender of meals. If you start eating healthier it will make things the exercise show more. Cutting off somethings is great, but starving yourself is bad. You want to still have 3 meals a day. breakfast, a lunch (light mostly) and a good dinner. As for excising it is important to do 1-2 hours of it, not 20-30 minutes. It will suck at first most likely if you are not very active but it WILL get easier. I promise you that.

Things to really focus on:
Water as your main liquid consumption. If you are excising 1-2 hours a day you will lose alot of weight in water. You have to keep yourself hydrated. That is not the weight you will want to lose.

Excising, now if you want to be a power lifter and all muscly by all means go for it. But, cardio is a major thing you will want to start with. You will also want to use weight machines, you want to "build" muscle, it is a another great fat burner and will help you build up your endurance so you can go longer and harder. I use Sunday as a default cardio day since most gyms in my area arent open. I am not sure your situation but, try to setup a workout schedule that fits with days things are open. Such as pool times if evening for pools. use an evening night and make sure you don't do a massive burnout on your arms/legs the day before.

Now, during the week. Do not weigh yourself. Set a day, such as Sunday, to your "weigh" day. That if you weigh yourself everyday you will psychologically mess with yourself.
Every 30 days take another photo of yourself in the same positions as the initial. This will be so you can visually see the differences, as time goes on. Keep the initial photo and get rid of the monthly ones and only keep your current month. I can tell you, 2nd month you will be shocked.

Edit: Most importantly, set a goal for yourself. Mine right now is to do a half-marathon next year and a Triathlon in 2016. The goal is the most important thing, something to motivate and drive yourself. If you also ever feel like giving up. Come on here and make a post about it. I can tell you this community may not personally know you but, we can be very driving and motivating. Ultimately this has to be something you want, but doing it is hard and you need something to drive you. Sometimes you need people to give you that little push when you are tired and "dont wanna" anymore. I always have had a workout buddy until recently since I moved back home. But, I always call up my buddy Ernie when I am tired and "dont wanna" and he finds a way to motivate me.
Are you sure? I have been told that when I first start working out that I am not suppose to do too much for long periods of time o.o 1-2 hours seems like a long period of time.