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Faded Beauty
Imaginary Friend
Faded Beauty is offline
Old 08-01-2015, 10:50 PM

Dorian just agreed with Chance. "Big dumpling head when it comes to cars." He told the blond, who just smiled and patted him softly on the arm. "Play nice Li." She said after her soft hit. He reached into his backpack and handed her back her girly pen. He signed to her that he didn't need pen, especially girly pens. He had all the credit and then some to graduate. He did summer school for extra credits even when he didn't need them. Most of his classes he was the student aid for anyways.

She took her pen sadly. She just signed back to him about the project. He just sighed. "I got it already, it's not a hard task, besides you three are doing all the work. I'm just the guinea pig." He told them before grabbing his bag and sitting in his seat. Once again he was sitting informally. The girls just followed him. "Stop following me. You're creeping me out. I swear you three are stalkers in your pass time." The girls just chuckled. He was always like that to them. Dorian just groans and slammed his head on the desk irradiated.

"He is always like that." The girl in the wheelchair said, the other two just nodded in agreement. "Li is very grumpy with us." The mute just meekly nodded. They just found it funny.