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Queen Phoenix trainer.
finx15 is offline
Old 10-18-2013, 06:43 PM

Name: Jacob Kuran
Age: 20
Bio: Jacob was sent on the ship to be part of the expansion not that he wanted to but you could argue with his rich parents. He is a solitary person but is nice to the members of the ship proving that he wasn't a rich snob.

Name: Caroline Kuran
age: 17
Bio: Caroline is Jacob's half sister and a total brat. She wants everything her way and enjoys having men give her presents. She hates her parents for making them do this and wants nothing to do with any of the other passengers though the little girl is cute.

Name: Izabella Kuran
Bio: Bell is Caroline and Jacobs half sister there dad gets around a lot and keeps the children his mistress's give birth to. She is very attached to her older siblings so she decided to join them on the trip. She is the only one who seems to think Caroline has a nice side.