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Kent is offline
Old 01-20-2023, 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by Sizzla View Post
Glad to hear you've recovered for the most part! Not a fun way to start the new year. :(

I had a pretty terrible new year myself, but hoping 2023 improves as time goes on... The year and a half has been a bit rough for me in general.

Woohoo! Moving into your own place is awesome. I remember my first apartment by myself; it was liberating! XD Enjoy!

Did your cat run away?

We have a neighbor cat that comes by for food and my son just loves him; he's a sweet little dude considering he still has his balls and sharp claws. Lets my little guy just pick him up and carry him around like a stuffed animal. haha
Still better than the start of 2022. My previous cat had some sort of illness and I had to euthanize her on Jan 9th of that year.
Yeah, hopefully the year will just get better. ; w;

Yeah! It's been pretty nice. I don't know if I ever want to live with roommates again. XD I might be single my whole life. lol

No, I was talking about jelly. XD While my cat loves the outdoors, he's pretty good about coming back inside when I want him to.

Aww, that sounds adorable! XD Must be a pretty young kitty? X3