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Kiyoto is offline
Old 04-07-2016, 07:42 PM

Noah had finished hanging up the posters. He stepped back, looking at the last one hanging on the wall before him. Taking a breath, he couldn't seriously believe that he was going through with this. A deal was a deal though. He could already feel the looks he was getting as people passed by, reading the sign. He frowned a bit, he knew he was new, but seriously. Was a mystery club that odd? He guessed in a place of the overly normal and mundane, it kind of was. He slipped his hands into his pockets, before he turned away from the sign. The bell gave a light ring above him, causing him to look at his watch. It was already time for class. His father would probably scold him for being late on his first day.

He sighed, before he headed down the hall to his first class. History, right off the bat. He groaned, slipping into his seat. On his list of worst subjects, this was at the top. He knew history was important, but he hated memorizing all those dates, all the names and battles. He lowered his head, resting his chin on his folded arms for a moment. This was one subject he would never use within his life. He didn't plan on becoming a historian or anything, but it was mandatory for him to graduate. The teacher entered, doing the one thing he hated more than the subject. New student, he was called up to the front. First day of the year, he was already being signaled out and being put in the spotlight.

He could feel the eyes boring into him, as the teacher asked if he wanted to say anything about himself. Honestly, he would have been happier to say something a little less polite, but he merely shook his head. The teacher let him go, allowing him to return to his seat, followed by those eyes. It was like that with all of the classes he went to. It was like the teachers and students had some kind of built in homing becon on new guys. Each time, more eyes and whispers. God, he couldn't wait for the day to be over. To get out of the lime light. With this town seeming to have little interesting going on, he didn't think it would be that easy. Lunch began good, but it brought with it people curious about the new kid. People slipped into his table without asking.

It unnerved him, he couldn't eat with all those eyes on him and questions being fired at him. People wanted to know everything about him, which made him even more uncomfortable. By the time the last bell rang, he was practically ducking around and dodging people. He made his way to one of the empty rooms that could be reserved for study groups and clubs to use. He hung a sign outside that designated that was where people needed to sign up for the club. He pulled a desk to the center of the room, with a chair. He sighed, sitting the papers needed for sign ups on the table. Now all that was left, was waiting. A few people came in, actually signing the paper, while others just came in to try and chat him up again. He waited there for around two hours after school, the time ticking by.

Finally having enough, he packed up his things, turning the paper into the office, keeping a copy himself. He headed home, to the empty house still full of boxes. His father still gone, he ordered pizza as his father had suggested. With little homework, he spent most of the afternoon watching TV and chatting with his old friends back home. He missed them so much, he wished they had never moved, but he would make the best of all of this. The sky darkened outside, before he headed upstairs to read. Mystery books were a typical way for him to end his day, so it wasn't surprising for his father to come home and find him asleep with a book in his hand. Smiling, the man placed the book on the table by his son's bed, along with his glasses. He pulled a blanket over the other, before heading down to get something to eat himself before turning in.