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.Crazy Ikikki
Dead Account Holder
.Crazy Ikikki is offline
Old 06-02-2008, 04:02 AM

Yes, what I was trying to say is sell a set per person at whatever limit they set for people.
For instance, they set 20 people as a stopping limit to sell the Cis cheap to them and then the shop is closed.
And it won't include mules of course, just 20-50 so individuals.
It would lower inflation and smooth out the people who aren't so lucky in getting a set.
Like for instance, they can also restrict it to people who don't have the sets already.
The mods/admins will look and make sure who has the sets already and who doesn't when they ask for one.
Then that will be a double whammy towards the inflation other fellow menewshains are doing to their neighbors and have to lower their prices and stop doing what they are doing.

And thats a great idea too, Angel. I'm just not too sure where they'd put that presentation at since the Admins choice takes up the rest of the vacant space on the home page.

@ Popcorn// There are still some going for 600-650, but those sellers either come on late or sold them ahead of time before June 1st ever came. :yes: