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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 08-21-2014, 08:11 PM

He said he wasn't a space alien and he said he didn't want money, then why bring her here? "But the gate disappeared! Things don't disappear or transport people to other worlds. That only happens in books and movies, it isn't real." She had stamped a foot lightly, she was normally so timid and shy, but this was not a normal situation. Something he said made Lune stop though, and blink at him. He had said it twice now. That this was an escape. An escape.

"Escape?" Could she escape her fate in a strange place like this? Perhaps for now it would be best to go along, but she still couldn't quite understand all of what was happening. "When I find what I'm looking for..?" Her eyes widened a little bit and she clutched her hands tighter and pressed them harder to her chest. "I'm looking for myself, and running from the fate my parents have set for me. Can I really do that here? Can I really be free of them and find out who I truly am? I could find the real me, the one hidden and buried beneath layers of expectations and propriety?" But those things. That sounded to good to be true, and that gate had vanished.

Somehow, she just couldn't get over the fact that an object had disappeared into thin air. "Is this place, magic?" Magic wasn't real though, it only existed in fairy tales. "Is magic real?" Also, how did he know she was looking for an escape and searching for something? How could a place be connected to someone's heart? It was all either some kind of elaborate trick or magic. But magic wasn't real. "I don't understand any of this, at all." He had also said she couldn't go back, did that mean she would never see her family again? Lune was afraid to ask.

Kurako watched the woman with hints of amusement on his face and nothing more. Every time she looked at him, he would either shrug or just give her an encouraging smile. He was silent, his footfalls light and quiet behind her as he let her lead them along. For a while she seemed to uncertain to really look at anything, but as they moved, she seemed to get more comfortable with her surroundings and perhaps even with him. Finally they were outside, and Kurako inhaled deeply.

She was looking at him again, but her eyes seemed brighter. That was a good sign, he shrugged. "That wasn't so bad was it? Well, keep on doing whatever you want. I won't be far behind." His lavender eyes were scanning the area now though, thinking maybe if another person had arrived, that would certainly be something Solaris couldn't ignore and would explain his lateness. There, in the distance but not too far away was two figures, one was most likely Solaris and the other a new guest.

"I think Sol is over there, with another guest." He pointed with a gloved hand in the direction, then that hand dropped and he shrugged. "We don't have to go see them, unless you want to. So, do whatever you want."