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ThorsViking is offline
Old 10-18-2012, 04:44 AM

Caleb made his way past the woman. The isles left little room. Caleb couldn’t help but notice that the girl had a strange sent. She must of rubbed up against some man, the sent reminded him vaguely of his boss.

He grabbed the largest disposable cup they had, and even though it was a extra large cup, it looked dwarfed in his hands. The coffee smelt fresh and the sent his brain in to high gear in anticipation. He poured the carafe, and shut off the machine having finished the pot. Another person entered the store. Caleb began to walk toward the counter when he noticed the small woman ducking down. His first thought was that she was drunk or high. His second thought was that she might be crazy.

“No one move.”
The man who entered said. Caleb looked over to see the hooded man holding a gun to the teller. The gun man’s hand was shaking and was clearly nervous, or in the worst case spun out.

Coffee in hand Caleb walked up to the front counter. He reached in to his pockets and fished out a couple dollars.

“I said no one move.”
The gunman’s shaking hand pointed the barrel of the gun towards Caleb.

“Just let me pay for my coffee. I have work to do.” Caleb said, as if the man was asking for change. The man behind the counter looked white as a ghost and was wondering what Caleb was thinking. A handful of crumpled ones were placed on the counter .

“What are stupid, I have a gun don’t move.” The man said. Caleb assumed he was just nervous, one of the poor trying to make a quick dollar. The mans clothes were too clean for that, probably a kid trying to prove himself to some game. The thought made Caleb laugh out loud.

“What’s so…” Before the gunman could finish Caleb threw his coffee in to the mans face, and with a grace that seemed unnatural for a man his size he knocked the gun up as the trigger was pulled. Dust from the ceiling rained down as Caleb put the man in a headlock. The store clerk passed out in shock.