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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-12-2014, 06:18 PM

Cerberus shrugged his giant shoulders a bit at the comment about him trailing them, and not the other way around. After all it was certainly the truth. ["your master on the other hand seems to have decided that she will not protect you any more. she has given you up for lost and fled this city."] He closed his eyes for a moment, drawing from the night air and trying to pinpoint her location. She did seem to be rather further out then normal. Was she fleeing? Did she know that she had lost? What did all this mean for him?

He did not let his thoughts on what it would mean for the spell play out on his face. He did however let out a deep hallowed laugh. It was a booming sound that carried through the construction site, "If I truely thought that woman cared in the first place I might have been upset, but really, that woman only cares for one person and one alone, and it ain't me. I'm nothing more then that woman's dog" There was an anger that flared in his eyes at that moment at the truth of it. It was a truth he could not change, and still it didn't stop him from being pissed off about it.

he ran a hand through his mane of shaggy hair. "Listen prince," he said quite simply, "I din't have no orders to fight with you, my orders where nothing more then to observe. I'm willing to walk away, you go your way, I go mine. However, if you chose to fight, I will have no choice."

Blaire resolved to not look at the giant, though there was a slight fear of the man. Perhaps it had something to do with his shear massive size, or perhaps something else. Was it the fact that he killed Louis? Her mind told her it was true, and yet there was also something gentle in the way he spoke, at the very moment she was merely confused. She wanted to call out to the man ask him why, but her good sense and reason told her not to, and so she remained silent.