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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-16-2014, 11:10 PM

"Someone always loses in the game of war, neither side comes out without a scratch" he said simply, again he could talk about himself, that was not a forbidden topic. "My keeper changes only when my origonal keeper willingly declares ownership to another, or she dies. Nothing more or less then that." he had said it in a rather bored drawling sort of way, as if it was nothing more the a day in life to him. He had after all had many keepers before her and he was sure he would have many after her. Hell hounds lived forever, and he was the oldest of the helhounds.

Cerberus was growing bored, with the questions about Alice. He wasn't going to tell the prince anything about her under his direct orders not to, so why then was the prince still edging on the same path. "I don't pretend to know how the damn woman thinks, Prince" he nearly spat the last word out, in discust and anger. However, when the prince attacked him he finally lost any shred of calm collected demeanor he had left in that moment. He let out a growl, very much like a wolf would make before speaking one final time, "I warned you Prince that I would not attack unless you attacked first. I tried to warn you to simply walk away. You Prince, eldest of your kind should have well known my name and the threat it held for those who did not heed my words."

Cerberus ignored the hand that was on his throat and hair, they would not be able to hold him quite like that momentarily anyways. He cracked his shoulders briefly and then began the transformation. All the shadows from the construction site appeared to gather around him as his body began to mold and take form. His body changed shape and his hands and feet melded and molded into paws before there eyes. His skin receided into dark black fur. His eyes, which had previously been a golden brown where now a vivid red. His head split into not one, but three wolf like heads.

If they thought the man had been a giant of a man it was nothing to the three headed dog that now stood before them. When he opened his mouth he was still able to speak, but it was an odd sound, as if the voice was coming from everywhere in the construction site all at once. "I warned you prince. Here my words, you may have gotten to the top by being cold and ruthless and only looking out for yourself, as is typical of your kind. There are other ways of negotiation without resorting to violence. Earthlings are all very much the same in the end"

He did not initially attack but rather growled and snarled as he crouched near the man as if giving him one last chance to redeam himself.