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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-18-2014, 02:52 PM

When Vincent moved between the girl and himself, Cerberus may have laughed if he hadn’t been so incredibly angry at the time. He had originally had no intentions to hurt either of them. Now however his rage was building at the man, and his twisted sense of morality. He did not blame the prince for his hatred of him, hell he’d probably hate him too, but there was a blindness in his rage. He was so blinded by his hatred of him and of her that he could not see what was right before his eyes.

["I am not unfeeling and cold as she might be. you killed a man that I cared very deeply for."] Cerberus crouched for a long moment trying to think of how to answer this, “Prince, you are so blinded by rage that you have not heard a word that was spoken to you. I know you have a right to hate me right now, but I won’t just lay down and let you kill me. Think, Prince, take a moment to think, do you think if I had had any choice in the matter that your friend would be dead? I cannot disobey my Keeper under any cause. Just as you cannot blame the gun that killed someone, you cannot blame the tool for his death. I am nothing more than a tool, used for the sake of destruction. I can assure you, His death was both quick and painless as I had the power to make it”

["how can I just let you go and be on my way. you will follow me and mine and then you will strike again."] He looked sad at these words, if only he could be under a keeper less greedy, less wanting of more….but when one becomes pet to the devil himself, only a stronger and more powerful being can destroy them. He looked at Vincent and then at Blaire behind him, “I would be folly to deny the fact that I am a threat to you, Prince, but truly it is against my wishes to fight you. I also won’t just bow down and let you kill me. Even if it won’t ever change, I still hold hope for humanity and all beings of earth and that someday I will regain my post.” He knew that Vincent had no idea what he was talking about but he shook his head anyways. “I am not going to attack you, but if you attack I will defend, that is the simple truth”

((I’ll hold off on the Alice post for now))