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Staria is offline
Old 08-15-2012, 10:38 PM

Chana Adams
Food...." the doll like woman replied, a flicker of emotion briefly showing in her gaze. She had bitten her master out of pain and as punishment he had not fed her for a few days. The feeling of starvation was one of the things that finally made her snap and fight. Death by one of his creatures was better then continuing the life she was living. Still even then the anger and hunger passed quickly and she once again seemed to be nothing but a broken doll.

What payment will you require?" She asked as those almost lifeless eyes slid to his. She spoke casually but reached up and pulled free a gem with the improved strength of her metal arm as her wounded and flesh made arm stayed loose at her side. She held the glittering gem out but tilted her head to the side. To her men seemed little more then sex crazed beasts and her eyes trailed downward to his waist as if expecting he may request another payment... It was equally clear she did not care which payment he preferred, should he demand one.

((Notice: the last paragraph of this post was removed due to a mod asking me to remove it. Apparently rp characters are not allowed to be victims of certain crimes even as part of their back stories :/.))

Last edited by Staria; 08-18-2012 at 12:03 AM..