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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 01-21-2016, 02:37 AM

A low growl came from the woman as she was in mid swing towards the male that had taken a hit against the wall. A blur of red was suddenly in front of her and the appearance of the male forced her to change course; she wouldn't hit Melik. "Melik," the woman warned. "You helped me and aided in saving everyone here," she said, her voice low as she slowly turned to face the man again. "But do not think that I will allow you to protect someone that has hurt and killed so many." Sure, those that caught didn't kill the experiments, but if they hadn't been caught in the first place they wouldn't have died.

When the taller man spoke of doing himself in for no longer being able to live by 'some Code', Eleanor lowered her bladed arm, her weight shifting to one side. While they wouldn't be able to say they had saved them from a hunter, at least they could say one more was out of the picture.

"Nixie, what are you doing?!" Noah shrieked as the tear stricken white haired woman pulled from the wall again running towards the man. She dipped around his blade, her arms wrapping around him as her head came into contact with his chest.

"Nixie," Eleanor warned as she took a few steps towards the water woman, the blade and shield fading in a cloud of black.

Shaking her head, eyes tightly shut she said, "No, he's my responsibility and I'm not letting you force him to do this."

Eleanor's eyes shot to the crying red head as she said, "You want to help too? Then get something up there cause Noah can't keep that up for much longer." She pointed towards the water wall that was once against wavering, wanting to fall be the emotional power in it keeping it up, but barely.

"Nixie, Nyx," Eleanor tried to coo and reason as she side stepped the male so she could look at the woman more squarely. "Nyx, you heard what he said he was. Why would you protect him?"

The woman turned her head, wiping her tears on the male's ragged shirt, though her body seemed to absorb them up right away anyway. She slowly opened her eyes, a pleading look in them as she said, "I brought him here, Eleanor." Nyx sucked in her lower lip as she saw the shocked look on the woman's face, she could tell she was questioning the other's motives. "I know, it was stupid but he saw me use my powers. Eleanor, he wasn't afraid of them." The woman rolled her eyes up as she said, "He wasn't mean at all, how could he be a hunter?" A hard lump formed in the woman's throat and she took a shaky breath. "I remember the people who captured me, Eleanor." She slowly shook her head. "They weren't nice, they weren't nice people at all.

"I know that it was stupid to bring him here and that I could have endangered everyone, but I brought him here and I don't want to trouble anyone else with him. He's my responsibility. He said so." There was a look of defiance in the woman's eyes as she watched those harsh olive ones die back down to their unusually dull tone.

Eleanor dropped her head, her eyes staring at the hard ground below her and sighed. She lifted a hand and massaged her temples before her fingers ran down the side of her face. Looking back up at the pair, the woman shook her head again. "Fine," she sighed and Nixie seemed to lighten a bit.


"I said fine." Eleanor then looked at the much taller male and said, "She watches you. You try to do anything funny and it will be my blade that does you in." She then looked over towards Melik and Noah. "Get someone in here that can check for trackers. The twins should be able to."

Eleanor's gaze then fell back to the white haired woman. "He doesn't go outside Nyx, you got that? We can't risk him having friends and them finding this place." Shaking her head again, Eleanor sighed to herself; she really did let the others get away with whatever they wanted.

As she started to head out the now open doorway, she looked down at herself and noticed a large poofy jacket on her. "What the hell is this," she hissed to herself before pulling it off and tossing it at one of the cots.

Noah followed along behind Eleanor, to retrieve the twins to inspect the male for any tracking devices. Once she sent them towards the room, she took a seat against a wall in the main cavern, watching as Eleanor vanished into another tunnel.