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Linnea is offline
Old 03-02-2012, 01:42 AM

Still wiggling, Kevlyn tried to speak up but was still in shock from the sudden surprise of getting caught by the guard. Her mouth just opened and closed a few times with no sound coming out. The guard was missing a tooth and his jowls shook as he laughed. "Well, well, well. It seems I've caught myself a pretty looking thing," and he laughed again looking at the others for approval. Kevlyn finally snapped out of her stupor and glared at Toothless in disgust. "You will let me go right now or you will not live to regret it." He stared at her for a second or two and proceeded to laugh some more. "Not just pretty, but feisty too!" Laughing again Toothless leaned in close to her face and said in a soft voice, "and what are you going to about it?" and licked her face from chin to temple.

Before Kevlyn could retort, she heard the other guards yelling to Toothless and the others. She followed their gazes to a rather tall and shaggy looking fellow jogging towards them. He didn't seem to belong to the poor side of the wall and she could tell that even if he wasn't wearing the colorful robe. It was the way he walked mostly; very sure of himself, the kind of swagger one gets from getting what he wants.

He slowed his pace down to a walk and continued to talk to the guards about helping him back across. He surveyed his surroundings and did not make eye contact with her at all, so it surprised her when he said he knew who she was and that they had been talking before. She was pretty sure she'd remember if she had met someone like him and looked at him with a slightly confused expression on her face. Why would he lie for her?

Toothless relaxed his grip on her hair and sneered, the gaping hole where his tooth used to be showing more prominently now. She sneered back, "I told you to let me GO!" She wiggled some more and the guard flung her away and she fell hard on her side. It seems he believed what the shaggy man had said but he didn't like it. Kevlyn thought about running, but with the appearance of the shaggy man more guards had arrived and surrounded them. She looked around, her brain racing and finally decided that the best plan of action would be to play to what the shaggy newcomer had said. No sense in getting them both in more trouble.

Kevlyn got up and dusted herself off, stood up straight and walked over to the shaggy fella. Crossing her arms she looked expectantly at the guards, "so are you going to let us across or not?"

Last edited by Linnea; 05-23-2012 at 05:03 PM..