Thread: Heat & Rust
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Kilia is offline
Old 01-20-2017, 01:26 AM

Laila glared at Rornigoth, not caring at the huff he gave her. She might be smaller, younger than him but that was not going to stop her from going with the female instincts to protect what is precious to her. She flapped her feather wings, giving a silent cry to him one last time, trying to let him know that she was ready for what may come.

Chance stood tall, confidence radiating off him as he watched the two, aware of the white behind him trying to appear as intimidating as she possibly could. "I don't believe in constricting, my friend with something like a saddle," he spoke to him with a tone that hinted at his disapproval fo how they made their dragons wear one. He understood why they were after all their dragons had scales where his had fur.

His demeanor changed from a light playful one to more serious one, crossing his arms before he sighed heavily. He had hoped that this would be just a friendly chat but it was clear that this was going to be more business than what he had been hoping for. He resisted the urge to roll eyes, giving Erwan a bored look at seeing him slip into his military role. "Dragon Guard." He stated, managing to keep his tone even and business like, not letting on how disgusted he was at the title.

He did not offer up the information that he was a rebel or the name of his group, after all, he had a feeling he knew what they were there for. "Well, Erwan. I am sure the chances are slim. Considering none of us had any idea that this would happen." he did his best to hide his emotions from the males, though he did not hide the bored look on his face. Hayden drew his eyes, he watched the young male, curious to what he was doing, frowning even more at seeing his reaction.

The setting and vibe they were both giving off, let him know that this was a huge mistake and that he should have just left after they had their little tryst. "Alright. You want to talk Business then Let's talk." the boredom was gone from his eyes, replaced with a deadly serious look, hinting at something dangerous that lay beneath the surface. "What are your plans for The White Wings Dragonrider," he said to them, revealing the name of his rebel group. It was not a very inventive name for the rebel group but it worked well since he was made to be the leader and well his dragon was white. "What if this rebel dragon rider was looking for you and had questions for you both as well?"

He sensed the dragons shift and seemed to bristle at his comment, his hand moving to grab a fistful of white fur, letting Laila know to be ready to make a run for it. It might not have been the best idea to reveal the group name or hinting at the fact he was who they were looking for. His eyes narrowed, clearly letting them know that he was not going to come easily. Sure alone he was a very intimidating man, only made to look softer at the delicate appearing dragon behind him.

Last edited by Kilia; 01-22-2017 at 09:36 AM..