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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 06-24-2015, 04:13 PM

The sun's rays poked through the tree's leaves early the next morning, the warmth from them and the singing of forest birds slowly rusing the woman from her slumber. Dayna leaned forward, off the horse that still lay behind her and stretched her arms upward, her spine popping as she did. Once she moved, the horse moved, pulling itself back up to his feet.

Once her spine popped, she worked on stretching the other sore spots on her body. Sure, the woman had slept outside like this many times, but it didn't mean that the human body was made for it. Getting up, Dayna moved for her canteen that resided in one of the pouches on the saddle, taking a small drink, she shook the object. She was going to have to find a place to fill it up soon enough if she stayed out in the wilds for much longer.

On instinct, the woman moved for the quiver at the side, searching for its counterpart first. When her hand was greeted with air, rather than weapon, she froze. Staring at the saddle, she recalled what had happened the day before. She no longer had her bow and was missing a dagger. No bow limited her hunting skills, there weren't many animals that would simply let you approach close enough to kill them with your hands.

"Well, that's another thing I can go after him for," she muttered as she picked up the sword that she held while she slept. Sheathing the weapon, she grabbed the saddle and blanket, putting them back on the horse. Proceeding to tack the creature, the brunette started making to do lists in her mind. She could watch for today, see what the man would be up to, learn his movements and patterns and find a point where he would be susceptible to attack and least likely to expect it. Before that though, she would have to locate some sort of food and water source.

After a few moments, the woman was pulling herself back onto the horse and leading it towards the residence that once belonged to the House of Cain. She hadn't been able to look around it much beforehand, having gone right to Vladimir.

Leading the horse towards the further property, she stopped on the road staring at its large brick walls. It had clearly seen better days, its condition was far worse than that of House Vladimir, but it was still a sight to see all the same. Tattered, burned and sun bleached banners displaying the same crest that decorated much of the woman's belongings slowly waved in the light morning breeze. Walls had fallen, bricks charred and other buildings that were little more than foundation.

Dayna urged the horse forward until they passed the wall that would have once held their front gate. Sir Vincent only seemed slightly uneasy, his ears alert and searching as they slowed to a stop towards the center of the property before the large estate. "It would have been something to see, eh Vincent?" She asked the beast, reaching down and patting the side of his neck. She then sat back, arms crossed under her chest as she let out a sigh. "I wonder what it would be like if none of that ever happened."