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Xavirne is offline
Old 11-17-2015, 06:29 PM

"Silly Seal, water will not be enough to stop me," her lips curled up into a smile. "It'll take brute force to stop the mayhem that is this shark!" Smacking her teeth together, she lunged forward. Still, when the splashes came, Ryna backed off on her attacking. Although she loved the water, she was never fond of getting her hair excessively wet. "Clever Seal," she said with a purr, "you have picked up on my weakness. Thy hair shall not perish to your watery ways!"

Completely distracted by Rory, the raven missed the light ripples that bumped off her backside. Of course, with how the Unai calculated her moves and stepping, Ryna would likely assume the waves were of the ocean and not the fearsome minnow that lurked from behind.

Grin growing so it consumed her face, Reno sprung from the water. With her entire weight landing on Ryna's shoulders, she forced the woman down into her watery grave.

"Hurry!" Reno shouted, "She's ticklish!"

As Ryna thrashed around playfully, she made lude retorts toward her sister.

"Mwah ha ha ha," Reno gloated in victory, "it appears the seal-minnow dynamic duo has bested the scariest of sharks!" Her hands danced a mile a minute over the raven, who was panting for air at this point. With each tickle, Ryna's laughter lightened until she was balling her eyes out at the hilarity of the situation.

"Say it, say it,"
Reno kept repeating over and over. She left no time for Ryna to plot an escape or to lunge at her partner-in-crime, Rory. "Saaaay iiiiitttttt!"

Biting her lip, the raven fought had. She squirmed and kicked lightly, never doing anything to hurt the so-called seal and minnow. Truly playful and loving the attention, she splashed and chirped to her heart's content. However, with the hands winning, her giddy giggling started to wear on her stomach.

"My abs, my abs," she protested without admitting defeat. "I can't," her laughter filled the air.

"You can't what?" Reno's devilish grin said it all. This was what it meant to be best friends with your sister. To play and tease without a care in the world!

"I give, I give," her words slurred together. "Seal and minnow are vi-vi-ci... oh my god." A snort errupted from her and before she could react, Reno was double-over. No longer did her hands entrap Ryna for Reno was too busy slapping her knee at the very un-princess-like sound!

"It's not that funny," Ryna commented while catching her breath. Finally free of the tickles, she seized the moment to wander away. Who knew if they would launch a second attack!

"You snorted," her gleeful gestures said it all. They had won. Big time.

Still, even in victory, Reno wasn't ready to call it quits. Eyes slipping over to the woman at her side, her goofy grin widened. "AND NOW THE MINNOW TACKLES THE SEAL!" Springing from the water, she latched onto Rory. Gumming her shoulder, the woman wrapped her arms and legs around Rory's torso and hips. "OMNOMNOMNOM! DIS FISHY LIKES SEALY-WHEELY!"

---------- Post added 11-17-2015 at 03:13 PM ----------

"Ah," the red shine to his eyes vanished. His features seemed to soften as he chuckled lightly to himself. Just hearing someone outside the family call his name caused Zero's eyes to slip from the woman and fall toward the floor. He didn't want to give it away too easy so he made mental note not to glance at the weapon he cared for so loosely.

Clearly his throat, he brought his blue gaze up. "I had a feeling Reno would say something." A small smirk tugged on the corner of his lips. Reno was famous for her big, blabber mouth. Still, if the name slipped there was no need to hide it. Besides, it could come in handy. If for some odd reason he was ever rendered unconscious, another could call forth the spirit's name, summoning him from whatever form he held.

"Akina is his name. It's a name of many meanings--brave, family bond, bright." As the word bright rolled off his tongue, the inflection put on the word became ever apparent. Clearly bright had extra emphasis for a reason. Before Abi could guess its meaning, Zero went on to spill the details. Somewhat.

"His favorite color is red and he wears it well from head to toe. Aside from that, knowing any more is on an need to know basis I'm afraid." Glancing at his hands, he played with his fingernails before nonchalantly glancing at the Forest Unai. "He'll be of no harm to you nor Rory. Not even Faline. If anything, think of him as a... an extension of who I am. He's neither here nor there, and yet he can be anywhere." The riddles that rolled off his tongue caused Zero to furrow his brows. "Sorry," he shook his head lightly, "I don't mean to sound so cryptic but the less you know, likely the better. I'm afraid I'm not accustom to Unai culture. Frankly, I found history boring, sans the wars and peril."

Moving forward, he paused to look back at the woman. "But I don't believe his presence should be of any issue. So long as darkness and the underworld aren't considered omens or issues, he'll be of no problem to you." Glancing over at the woman, he hiked up a brow. "Are those issues?" His question had a nervous undertone to it, hinting at his previous comment that he knew little of her kind. Ranking a hand through his mess of blackish-gray hair, he sheepishly grinned. "I--"

Eyes head swiveled around. Eyes narrowing, his nose turned to the air. There was a familiar scent to it. One that most would overlook for it wasn't foreign in any regard. However, the combination, at least to Zero, drew his attention. Slowly, his lips pursed as a quizzical look crossed his features. Head tilting to the side, he tried to hone in on the oddly familiar scent.

Why, why was it so familiar. It was on the tip of his tongue and yet his mind was completely blank. In a moment of weakness, those blue orbs slid to the weapon at his side. Lingering on the sword for no more than a second, Zero's brows knit together. A wrinkle marred his nose and a scowl soon seized his face.

"I thought I made it blatantly obvious that you alert me of all creatures you come across," he whispered with a displeased tone.

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