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Sparky435 is offline
Old 06-29-2015, 10:19 AM

Roland didn't realize how hard he had pushed Eliza, he was more worried about the small group of dogs that had caught up with them. Some were missing hair in spots while another looked like it was foaming up a little, with five in total Roland didn't move much one he started shooting. When his clip ran out he turned his head and saw the door was open and he took off running the best he could as he reloaded just in case.

Once inside roland stopped and helped Eliza pull the door shut, "watch your ears" he said quickly aiming and firing the gun one last time before the door slammed closed and the dead body slid and hit the outside of he door. "Dam.. They have gotten faster" he said trying to catch his breath "sorry I pushed too" he added feeling bad about his reactions. The tunnel was damp and barely lit with a small string of lights hung onto the wall. "Little farther and we can finally rest, or at least not rushing for our lives" he said as he stood up straighter and held onto a railing. The steps lead up to another door that opened up to the makeshift town he was most familiar with. "Welcome to rifton" he said softly holding the door open for her.