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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 08-06-2018, 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by hummy View Post

it is really sad mene has slowed so much. life does take over
but, somehow the lack of people posting *not mentions names*
is even sadder. this mini-event was so sweet to put on for us.
though people coming by to say 'hi' would have been nice.
I like that the items were adorable and so nicely priced
it let's people just play chance and not say 'hi' even,
but, I for one am happy Immy has posted here
I know you like to role-play, wanna do it sometime?
If you ever want to roleplay just say so.

But also the reason - another one - why I don't get on alot is either. Work - ups, downs, stressful, and meaningless times. Home life - depression, tired, anxiety, wanting to do my own thing, and what not. Sleep. Art. Writing. Crafts. Hobbies. Dreaming. Wishing. Hating. Hoping. and just repeating. I come home late at night, drink a shot or two of whiskey and sleep. Then i just repeat. There are not enough hours during the days or nights to make time for myself and everything else too.

There was something else but I cannot remember it. But making time for everything is almost impossible even if I dwindle things down. I have a mother who wants to play games online on roblox with her. I want to do my stuff. Then there is the house, the yard, work, and a brother who wants me outside all the time. Friends who want to hang out but I'm usually working or they are. I haven't found a middle ground yet.

I do know once they get me back on my day shifts and not my night shifts that I will do better. But that's not for quite awhile.