Thread: Social Sciences
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nemo.love_22 is offline
Old 02-01-2012, 07:05 PM

Oh, we have two classes in common! And yeah, I do sign - my godfather was born deaf, and my godmother is hearing impaired, but with hearing aids she can hear (somewhat). But I grew up signing and it was something that I picked up fairly quickly.

She looked down at the sketch that he was pointing to.

"Oh, thank you. And whenever I can find free time, I do. I do my best not to leave home without my sketch pad. Ya never know when inspiration will hit ya and ya just need to draw somethin'. I've discovered that inspiration is a fickle thing most of the time."

((It's totally fine! I'm running on about 5 hours of sleep, while trying to frame out a homework assignment in my head for my ASL IV class, and I'm not thinking quite clearly, so my post is a bit short.))