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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 05-15-2016, 05:47 PM

With May safely under the shelter, Collin hurried down to the beach, wanting to help Dr. Rider look for supplies. He noticed him struggle in the waves, working towards the items that bobbed in the water just off the beach. Perhaps one of the tents was in there, a better shelter for them, and maybe the supplies of food and medicine. They needed some sort of hope, some sign that they would be able to survive this until someone came to their rescue. Surely, when Dr. Rider didn't check in after a short time they would send a team to find them.

"How long do you think it will be before they come searching for us, Doc?" Collin asked as he worked his way towards him, the salty water stinging his legs as it lapped against him. He had forgotten about his own cuts, considering how injured May was. She seemed the worst. Well, the worst of them, others fared far worse... his thoughts grim as he noticed one of the others from their group bobbing in the water off to the side, face down. There was no way they still breathed and he wasn't sure he could handle seeing them right now, not so soon.

May looked over at Will, struggling to calm her heartbeat after the pain she felt getting here. "Your.... your head..." She managed to get out, pointing out the dried blood on his neck and in his hair. "Is it bad?" Not that she was sure there was anything she could do, she could look, but she was no doctor, she studied animals. Rodents, mostly as well as other small animals. She actually had hopes of seeing something new, or rare, on this trip, it's tropical climate perfect for the small animals she loved. It was the only reason she had agreed to come.

It felt nice to be in the shade, but it was still far too warm for her. Her clothes felt stiff and itchy and honestly were hardly doing the job, as shredded as they were. Her hair was a tangled mess, she was sure she'd never be able to get the brush through it again. If she ever made it home she wanted to climb in the bathtub and never leave again.