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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 07-01-2015, 12:50 PM

The vending machine was out of order, of course. After frowning at the machine for some seconds, as if her quite impressive glare could make it magically fix it self (but seriously, what century was this? 21st? Why hadn't the university invested in better machines already that would fix themselves?), Mae sighed and headed towards dining area. Perhaps it would be time to grab something to eat as well. This morning she hadn't really had time for more than a granola bar and her stomach was starting to remind her that. It was really pesky thing, to need to eat, but this wasn't the time she came to such conclusion. No, that she bitterly knew ever since...

For better or for worse, the woman was not allowed to take a trip down that memory lane. Normally, weaving through the crowd without as much as brushing by someone's shoulder was no problem for the elf, but today was the unfortunate exception when someone coming this way came to sudden halt which she couldn't predict and it led to a very uncomfortable collision. Now, if it had been full-body crash, it wouldn't be as bad as this, even if coffee or food had been involved. No, this was the king of all awkward crashes into each other. Lacrimae let out a pained yelp as a heavy, large hand landed on her breast about the same time as by the sun, it was hot coffee did.

Her immediate reaction was to push the hand away and, thankfully, the other did pull back rather quickly, but just then it registered to the woman that the hand had been most certainly dark skinned. With a sense of dread in her stomach, her gaze traveled upward to meet pair of even brighter blue orbs. Blush rose in her cheeks, but not from embarrassment. No, she was far too angry for that! Part of Lacrimae knew very well that this couldn't be something he had intended to do and that the fault was equally shared between them, but the other part simply wanted to slap the man silly or at least shake him for all the trouble he had caused her and acting as weird as he did.

As if intending to prove that he was indeed very strange, Saith began laughing then. Having grabbed a tissue out of her bag by now and trying to wipe some of the hot beverage off, she glared at him. A lesser man would freeze under such ferocious stare, but she tried to smooth it away when she caught on what he was aiming at. "Yes, of course the whole university should see my best white blouse being ruined," young woman grumbled but then continued louder as she offered him a tissue as well: "Well, I think it's a sign it's enough of filming for today!" To be honest, not only her blouse but bra was also very possibly ruined and the way the fabric clung to her right was far from comfortable.

She was about to turn and leave, still trying to soothe the anger boiling inside her at the clumsy, stupid (more expletives about him being disrespectful, grabby handed arse followed) man when he stopped her. Talk with him?!? What was there to talk about!? If he meant to apologize, he could have put that somewhere in middle of his obnoxious laughing! Or maybe he had figured the new information he learned yesterday would be a good way to get something out of her? With narrowed eyes, she looked at Saith for a moment, then finally nodded. Whatever was on his mind, the sooner she found out, the better. "After I change, I will be in council room. It's rather quiet." With that, she left, realizing she never got something to drink or eat only when she had reached her room. Sigh.

Quickly, she changed into blouse with soft flower pattern and dark jeans (she was not risking skirt around him, sun only knew where his hands would end up next time!), shrugging fitting jacket on. The white blouse and bra went in dirty laundry basket with rather untypical toss. She lingered at the mirror for a moment, considering putting on a small pendant, but stopped when she caught fluffing her hair a bit. No, she was definitely not trying to make herself look pretty for that dark arse! Jutting her chin out, Mae told herself that she wouldn't fall for whatever trick he was trying to pull and headed to the council room. If he arrived or not, didn't matter. She still had work to do, and on rumbling stomach. No time for meal now, she was already falling behind schedule for today.

After the interesting and rather enlightening (about him and layout of the campus) conversation with Saith, Silvana decided to have a walk around on her own. The plant biochemistry course she apparently knew on A+ and had the grade to show for it, so it was more than likely she'd drop the class. So, she'd have to find something to spend time on Tuesdays. There were many possibilities listed in the brochures and websites, but experiencing everything first hand was much more important. Besides, the better she knew this place, every corner, crook and cranny, the better...

Somehow, she found herself wondering towards the sports area, although her interest in all those human sports was very shallow, close to nonexistent. But hadn't she read something about... Horses, in one of the brochure? And if there were not any, she could always find that inner greenhouse or the library. There was still a lot of time to go for today. Fiddling with her cellphone, she considered texting Saith a thank you, but didn't want to seem needy or bothersome.