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zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 06-19-2017, 07:50 PM

Monday, June 19, 2017

Today has been a pretty good day so far. I woke up a bit before my alarm and was able to get ready a bit earlier than usual. I was a bit nervous about getting in the shower after what happened yesterday but I was okay. I left for work about 20 minutes earlier than usually but still ended up being only 4 minutes early. I seriously hate how inconsistent the subway system is. >.< At least I got to play a bit of pokemon on the way. I’ve been working on filling up my Pokemon Moon dex.

On my lunch break I went to Bath and Body works to get some hand sanitizer since my neighbors are super dirty and my hands feel gross every time I open the door to go outside in the morning. I worked on events for most of the afternoon and now we are having a random thunderstorm. I am hoping the rain will calm down before I leave work because the weather didn’t call for any rain this morning and I didn’t bring and umbrella. I don’t want to end up getting sick with the way they always turn the AC up super high in the subway cars.

Once I get home I’ll make some dinner and then try to get on SWTOR for the Concord meeting and Rishi datacrons. I’m hoping I’ll also have a few minutes to play Zelda since I had a new idea on how I can get up this one tower that defeated me the last time I tried.

• • •

I cooked so much in the kitchen yesterday! I made some wild rice, 2 servings of breakfast pasta, and last but not least, baconnn!!!