Thread: Tiger Lily Inn
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Overworked Artist
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Old 02-25-2013, 07:13 AM

"Thank you~!" Kiki made her way back over, "Owner? Oh, that would be Miss. Kouryuu..." She pointed to the winged woman, lounging in her seat. She leaned in and whispered as soft as she could manage. "I'd be careful though... she likes to claim things as hers.... from what I hear she considers Miss.Kayko her pet, as well as little Meilou... Though she is a dragon after all.. I've only met one other though he had a thing for males........" She cleared her throat, "At any rate, please be careful... As kind as she is, she's liable to try and keep you. No one seems capable of reining her in when she wants something."

"!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The lynx demon came to a skidding hault, her eyes going wide and kittenish, watering. "B-but.. my shinies.... Why would you even say that~!?"

"...." Minoru walked in, carefully covering himself before snatching his pants from the wailing feline. "If I had a free hand right now I'd hurt you so bad....."