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is a Special Pants
ISOS Duke is offline
Old 11-12-2015, 07:20 PM

Rory was safe. The thought that the sister she had was safe, though she had returned to that darned island. If she was with someone as capable as Aleu, that made her feel even better. The thought the woman had on the creatures caused Faline to shake her head, brows furrowed. "That can't be possible though. If I can't supply their power, their door to this realm is supposed to close. They shouldn't be able to remain here without that power source." Her mind then started drifting to the idea that their species once worked together; it was an interesting concept. The Unai very rarely, if ever spoke of a wolf race such as Aleu's. The way she could handled the summons made Faline wonder why they worked together to begin with; it appeared like the Lypheion could handle themselves just fine, they were a far more sturdy race.

A forest Unai? Faline looked back up at the woman, then to the forest around them. She had never seen an Unai of the wood. Though, perhaps it was a good thing that Aleu was able to keep the trees from telling too much; it did make her wonder just how much power this woman had though. Peering her eyes over at her, she wondered about how much she would be able to learn.

Faline then shook her head about Reno, Aleu's daughter, fighting to the death to keep Rory alive. "I do not wish anyone to have to take that task on," she said, her eyes seeming to harden. "It's my fault that she has returned here and I will not have anymore blood on my hands from this island and those that try to protect my sister."

Aleu offered up taking her to at least see her sister and how she understood the bond of twins and how she had her own twin brothers; clearly their races were quite keen on producing twins. She shook her head though, slowly as hearing mention of Royal blood jarred her for a moment. She didn't bring it up though, they had more important things to tend to than what the other woman said. "I don't want to risk Rory knowing where I am. I can't hurt her more than this and if I stay away, she won't be any wiser," she said and though her tone wasn't a happy one, it was clear that she was set in that decision.

Her eyes followed where the other looked as she added, "When the time is right, I will be reunited with Rory. I don't want to make things harder for her."