Thread: Under Control
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Precarious Fool
Are you kitten me right meow?
Precarious Fool is offline
Old 05-24-2016, 12:53 PM

There was nothing but darkness as she slept, a blessing of sorts, considering their ordeal over the past few hours. A voice penetrated the darkness, it sounded familiar. It took her a moment, her eyes fluttering open, she didn't remember where she was at first. The events came back to her and she shuttered, had she really killed a guard to gain her freedom? She could feel the warmth of something against her, her bandaged hands found Erika in the darkness. Yes, she was not alone, that was right. The words the girl spoke suddenly registered, "Yes, sleep. I will keep watch..." She muttered, trying to rub the sleep from her eyes. Had she even been asleep more than five minutes? It didn't feel like it.

Her hands were no longer numb, they ached and burned but she said nothing. Between the bandages and the pain she couldn't even move her fingers, couldn't curl her hands into fists, instead she rested them lightly against her legs, sitting up the best she could. She needed to stay awake, to keep watch if they wanted to survive. It would be morning soon enough and they would have to move, to get further away. They couldn't go to a town, surely all the nearby towns would be alerted to their escape. No, they would have to stick to the forests.

The cold mud at her back, that coated her feet, was a reminder that it wouldn't be easy. They would need better clothes, shoes perhaps, and eventually, food. She kept her silent watch, haring nothing but the noises of the animals in the forest, the hoot of an owl, small creatures scurrying about. No guards, not dogs, yet she did not truly believe they would be free so easily. Soon enough it seemed to grow bit lighter, perhaps it was morning and the sun was coming up. With a yawn she tried to stretch out in the small area, she had nearly forgotten about the marks on her back and legs until the skin was pulled tight with her efforts, a gasp escaping her in pain. How could she run, as beaten up as she was?

She listened for another moment, not hearing the sounds of any guards she carefully climbed from their small dirt cave, struggling to stand up tall. The ground was muddy but she trudged through it, her stomach growling, begging for food. Perhaps she could find some berries...