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Assistant Administrator
zigbigadorlube is offline
Old 05-26-2019, 07:11 PM

As the doctor finished talking, silence seemed to descend over the room, punctuated only by the steady beep of the monitor. The doctor waited a moment to see if anyone had any other questions before lowering the clipboard. ”You are welcome to stay with her until the end of visiting hours. I’ve got to make my rounds now but if you have any questions you can speak with the nurse on duty.” With that, the left the room, pausing a moment to set the clipboard back in place before his steps retreated down the hall.

Marissa wiped away a tear and turned to look at the other two occupants in the room. She knew Kevin well from the time the boy spent over at Elise’s house. The poor young man looked completely lost, eyes downcast on a can of soda in his hands. Coach on the other hand sighed and checked his watch—6pm. Visiting hours ended at 8pm. ”Why don’t I go grab us some dinner?” he offered, looking back and forth from Kevin to Marissa. ”Is there anything either of you want?”