Thread: Departure Time
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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 09-08-2017, 03:10 AM

(( So sorry about taking so long to reply, work has been ... an adjustment since it's now a new section of training ..))

Immediately Viridis listed off a few items, then paused thinking before nodding to herself. "And some shoes and clothing for Mira, as well as traveling essentials for him. I already have most of what I need with me." But Mira had probably never traveled before, not like this. He was inexperienced, apparently, in so many ways that it was difficult to try and anticipate what she could do to help him next.

And yet she knew for certain he would need a cloak, shoes, a change of clothing... "Could you show us that spot you had in mind? I'm assuming you already have an idea of where we would be safe to wait while you take care of things." It was the best option for them, realized Viridis as they spoke. This way she would be with Mira to keep him calm, or try to, while keeping him out of sight. Meanwhile the mercenary would be garnering attention out in the village, obviously traveling alone ...

"Here." She held the donkey's reins out to Veldrin, checking to make sure she'd not forgotten a single thing she wanted to keep with her. "Would you mind taking care of the books and donkey as well, while you're there?"