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Old 10-13-2014, 12:07 AM

Q: When do the rounds change?
A: As close to 4:15 CST (or ~3:40 Mene time) as we can manage!

Q: What if I forget to fill in my username?
A: We should hope we know who you are, since you're posting as yourself. So don't worry! In fact we're removing that from all future forms in this game.

Q: I think I posted with the other team's form!! AH! DON'T GIVE MY POINTS TO THEM! (They're the enemy )
A: Don't worry, we won't give away those precious points. The forms are the same except for the color to help us do our mathematics wizardry that much faster.

Q: What are the two dice rolls for?
A: The first (6 sided) is your attack/defense roll. The second and larger dice determines if your first roll is normal, critical or a fumble.

Q: What are crits?
A: Crits (critical hits) are when you roll the critical number for that round. They double your roll (so if you rolled a 6 it would, in effect, act as though you rolled a 12!)

Q: What are fumbles?
A: Fumbles (failures) are when you roll the 'fail' number for that round. In these cases 0 is entered as your roll value. Fail values can change each round and are determined by the larger dice.

Q: How are scores calculated?
A: Oh... so you wanna see our maffs, do ya?
Team A
User 1 (Vampirodonkey) rolled a 3 on a 6 sided dice :: 9 fear, 3 courage
User 2 (Peeblost) 2 on a 6 sided dice :: 4 fear, 4 courage
User 3 (Yumummeh) rolled a 5 on a 6 sided dice :: 5 fear, 15 courage

Team A's Fear: 18
Team A's Courage: 22

Team B
User 4 (Vampirodonkey) rolled a 1 on a 6 sided dice :: 3 fear, 1 courage
User 5 (Peeblost) rolled a 6 on a 6 sided dice :: 12 fear, 12 courage
User 6 (Yumummeh) rolled a 2 on a 6 sided dice :: 2 fear, 6 courage

Team B's Fear: 17
Team B's Courange: 19

Remaining courage for Team A: 22 - 17 = 5
Remaining courage for Team B: 19 - 18 = 1

Team A is the winner

Last edited by Mythos; 11-01-2014 at 12:26 AM..