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fishyfey is offline
Old 05-03-2011, 10:31 PM

11. Angry

It hadn’t been long since Mrs. Ingram’s murder and her death magic still hung like static electricity in the air, waiting to be used. Doc pulled just the tiniest bit of death magic into his body and felt the adrenaline surge. He could use it to increase his stamina, so he did. If he wanted to catch up with the elf pair, he might need it.

Dashing outside he looked up and down the alley. They wouldn’t have gone towards the front parking lot, so that only left one direction to go in. He sprinted towards the back of the building, but stopped just before he rounded the corner. Someone was talking on the phone, and by the sounds of it whoever it was, was very angry.

“What do you mean don’t kill her? If I stop now she will just die on the way! Her soul is different. It’s the colors of a sunrise. Red, orange, pink, and yellow. What the hell does that mean? Her soul isn’t blue, purple, and black like it should be. She isn’t a dark elf, but I don’t know what she is either!”

The voice paused as if listening. “She is already dying! I can’t bring her to you! You just want her soul for yourself! This one is special and she is going to make me more powerful than you can ever hope to be!”

Click. The phone was slammed shut as the man hung up. Doc knew it would be the light elf from earlier. He withdrew his swords, feeling the familiar weight in his hands. It was comforting. The death magic buffeted against his skin like an old friend, waiting to help when he called it.

Stepping wide around the corner he saw a bloody mound crumpled behind the bushes. Has to be the elf girl. The light elf was turning towards him, anger still present on his face. He glanced towards the elf girl as if checking to make sure she was still there.

Doc had to move fast. The girl was dying. The light elf had already gutted her, but hadn’t taken her soul yet. He could take it for himself, but wasn’t sure what would happen. She was different. Her soul was the wrong color, just like her skin and hair were wrong.

The light elf pulled his own sword from beneath his jacket. “You’re going to fight me for her? Pathetic.”
He didn’t bother to respond, just lunged forward trying to end it quickly. The light elf blocked and counter attacked, necking Doc’s leg. The pain felt good. It made him stronger. He pulled the death magic around him, already repairing the wound. One kill had already been denied to him tonight. This one would not escape him.