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A.K.A ii-AznGurlDream-ii
Aimless.Wanderer is offline
Old 02-17-2015, 02:06 AM

... the elf council, sitting around something like a round table. Her and Moonshine were seated right smack in the middle of a pit, the beady eyes of the elves staring down into them. "I told you all this was a bad idea! We had to use up all of cherchye (cher-shay) energy to get that girl out of that stupid faerie portal!" The elf that had been skeptical about them earlier yelled. There was an uproar of agreement before an elder stood up and shushed the increasingly rowdy crowd. "Listen, everyone. I know that the arrival of this girl has only caused problems, but we need for this race! If we get rid of her now, more of us are going to be sucked into that stupid faerie portal, as our council member here eloquently described." He persuaded, motioning to the angry, red-faced man. The girl and her cow were stunned, and didn't know what to say until...

*Cherchye - the energy of the elven world. Only accessible through elf territory, it is used as normal power and as a powerful anti-faerie drug when used in large quantites*